Dollar General is a famous American retailer that sells various products. Are you looking for the Dollar General Corporate Office address or contact number for buying products? Or do you want the contact details to register a complaint? You are in the right place. Here, I explained the detailed information such as headquarters address, contact number, email id, customer care, and Dollar General Corporate Office Headquarters website.
About Dollar General:
Dollar General is the largest American chain retailer that sells various products in the United States. It was founded by James Luther Turner and Cal Turner in 1939. Formerly, it was named J.L. Turner and Son. After 1968, the company's co-founder Cal Turner changed the name to Dollar General Corporation. The current Chairman of Dollar General is Michael M. Calbert, and CEO is Todd Vasos. Its corporate office headquarters is located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, United States.
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Dollar General Corporate Office Headquarters |
The products sold by Dollar General such as Clothing, cleaning supplies, home decor, health & beauty aids, pet supplies, toys, seasonal items, and groceries. Currently, there are 18,216 stores available all over the United States. Nearly 158,000 employees are there in Dollar General Stores. Also, the subsidiaries of Dollar General are Dolgencorp, LLC, Dollar General Financial, Dollar General Global Sourcing, and Dollar General Literacy Foundation.
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Dollar General Corporate Office Headquarters Address:
Dollar General Corporate Office Headquarters is located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, in the United States. Here, we listed detailed addresses, phone numbers, email id, website addresses, services, and products of Dollar General Corporate office headquarters below,
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Dollar General Headquarters address |
Headquarters Address: 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072, United States
Phone Number: +1 615-855-4000
Fax Number: (615) 386-9936
Customer care: 1800-678-9258
Email: Email Dollar General
Number of Employees: 130000
Started On: October 1939
Founder: James Luther Turner & Cal Turner
Founding Location: Scottsville, Kentucky
Number of Employees: 130000
Key People: Todd Vasos, John W. Garratt
Also Read: Goodyear Headquarters & Corporate Office Address
Dollar General Headquarters Location:
How Do I Contact Dollar General Corporate Office?
If you want to contact Dollar General Corporate Office Headquarters to register a complaint or for inquiry, then you can use the methods mentioned below,
- First, call the phone number +1 615-855-4000 of Dollar General Headquarters. Speak with a representative to solve your queries
- Visit the Dollar General Corporate Office Address 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072, United States, and meet the executives directly to solve your issues.
- Just visit the official website of Dollar General and go to the contact page. Click on any one icon to contact
- Or call Dollar General Customer care support at 1800-678-9258 to solve your queries.
Finally, you get all the details about Dollar General Corporate Office Headquarters Address, phone number, etc. I hope the above information is beneficial for you to find Dollar General Corporate Office address details. If you have any more doubts, visit the official site of Dollar General for more info.
1. Who owns most of the Dollar General stores?
Ans: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc owned most of the Dollar General Stores stake of 8.38% stake and share of 18,907,932
2. Did Walmart buy Dollar General?
Ans: No, Dollar General is not owned or never has been owned by Walmart.
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